
courses again

today I have to heard the courses for the car license
I need to wait my company to carry me to there, OMG 
i need to wait about 1 hour for he to carry me. 
after i in the car i know the reason, i am the last within 4 people.......
i was though that we will go to mahkota cheras there but i was wrong .
we all go to ampang and litsen for the courses. the places and properties are very bad .
the lecturer was talk about the situation of exam for car licence. 
when i went back, i was saw the girl message send to me that she pass the exam fo the undang^2
and asking me when i will go to listen for courses......
i was very sad to heard that cause i have already ......
if can i also want to heard with her cause feel very boring at there ......

