
In between

last week Saturday actually i have a post, but no more mood no more feeling regarding the post, and i delete it. let me recall my memory, since when i stop playing tetris ? i think it has been a month i never play, this month i always busy with the TA things, currently there is new recruitment drive, and i feel i need teach them something during duty, and i dunno why am i so motivated to teach them, and now i feel dun want to teach them any more,

i am back to origin when i become TA from trainee, blur. and i still remember last Tuesday to Thursday got heavy deployment from Mines to Ent3 and from main building to Incubator II this things was happen in between 2 days, it sound like we are plan well, eventually we are doing last minutes, on the next day, we receive info that we need to collect back ...... !!!!!!

i cant believe, we need to do that, and i was blur why they do that, after i know from staff there was VIP and important visitor will come to visit and we need to prepare the machines in those places. To allow them take picture.......... i was noting to said.

and another event happen, in lab there was another emergency for Corporate Training, Saturday should have   class for more than 20 machines are required, but it request last minutes again, and yesterday what i saw in lab there was no class.

this week totally like hell for me, and i in between the two person war this is what i can express


my feeling

i check back my blog, the last post of my blog is on last Saturday one week before. 
that time i still remember i become a head and having panic time in uni (task cannot finish), 
and this week is the of trainee coming into the team. 

how was my feel for the trainee period? in the previous trainee period, i was always looking at female 
same goes to this time, but with different feeling, the feeling that i receive info from parent about our family background. 

this week like very very very busy and stress, last week Sunday prepare the lab, currently the lab is having problem. need to be standby mode for repair the lab, it was so stress for me. 

" we must work smart but not work hard "

i still remember this sentence come out from my supervisor, i believe my work is fulfill his requirement, 

and same goes to yesterday



on Monday, receive a boom news, i become a head of a department. become a assistant i was very panic now becomes another department head, totally i dun have any other idea. At that movement, i still dunno that today will be the tension day. as happen on Thursday morning, receive info from my assistant i need to prepare an image for today and i did the mistake until now

first mistake: using Windows server 2008 R2 standard
second mistake: download window server SP1 and install in standard format
third mistake: doing something wrong in material
forth mistake: know the standard server unable to use in native boot
fifth mistake: find a crash hard disk for creating image
sixth mistake: ...... i dun want to write it again

the current problem i am facing also is my finance problem. according my records, my expenses is getting more and more in following months. and i getting more4 money also from parents but not from my salary. in the same time i need to i need to solve my education fee, my loan haven come out yet from government.

some more i get a confirm information from my mom,
my dad had diabetes and it was a hereditary from my grandpa,
and now i know already why my father legs is get wound and currently i find out there are a lot of  medicine on his table.

now i know the time is passing so fast

tension tension tension