

today, i go to Mines to but my pants and shoes, 
cause they have been broken for a long time use it. 
i was try to clean my house first floor, suddenly mother decide to go Mines
i quickly keep all the things and go to Mines
when we until there, the was afternoon already, after mother buy her clothes 
so we all go to MCD to have our lunch, i saw a chinese girl work as cleaner at MCD 
she look familiar, after i look detail she was garu chong
she look very smart to wear the uniform of MCD.haha XD
we just have a small chat at that movement cause 
she have to continue her work .
after we have lunch we continue to research our items we need 
after 2 hours, we bought our things, i want have a look at Mines about the IT items 
to know about the IT items. i can see a lot of i.it have change all the market 
even though, the software items some of the company sold it.
just this we when back.


busy day again

today  is a busy day for me. 
i just decide to go Jasco Selatan to watch movie 
"the green hornet" and download some software for my mobile phone 
after i reach there i but the ticket rm19 ...... so expensive 
than i go to starbuck to use their wi-fi service and have a cup coffee with price 6.90 
lucky i bring more money today.
than i continue download the software in the list i have check in computer.
totally i have download 8 software :
photo scribbler 
collage creator life 
wikipedia for android 
scientific calculator 
actually not so many apps can function well cause my X10 mini do not have big screen
after that go to watch movie. XD


after i went out the cinema the company of the learn car center have call me that
i can learn car after this 
OMG never think before about that 
after watch movie still can learn car 
never mind i try my best, and go ahead to do that. 
i start to learn car on 3.30 i still at jasco selatan on 2.50 
i scad i cant catch the time, hopefully the bus can come faster at this time 
finally on 3.10pm a bus came. than i can learn car le 
today i can drive on the road well can use the gear, brake and the fuel 
but when i learn for the parking and the 3 turning point 
feel very tired and hard to memories cause the uncle do not tell me which part should 
i remember it, make me have a little confuse, 
he had tell me that 1 girl have learn this morning, 
the girl learn more faster than me, use least time to learn, 
and said me that i was look mature but can not do it well =='''
i spend 3 hours to learn 2 technique feel very tired and can not be patience.
hope i can do well when exam and get the lesson before 21 of March(date of foundation start at UCTI)


have a great dinner

today i feel very happy =)
cause i have cook dinner for my family ^^
today i have prepare all the vegetables and some materials for cook.
until half hour i feel cant wait her i start to cook for dinner.
first time to cook without people watch at beside.
each food i have cook i will like to taste them.
to make sure they are okay,
i have spend about 1 hour to cook, even though it is difficult for me and feel tired,
i would like to do it,just because i love to do.
i do not care other people, when they have their first time to cook.
cause i was know some of them have try cooking before early them me,
16 , 14 or even tough 12 years old. but that does not a matter to me.
i feel that i was very close to kai fu lee, cause i have try a news things in my life,
by my brave and my first time to do, i hope i can do this in my future, to do my first time.
the other factor that make me become brave in cooking is,
my mother have been sick until she feel very tired.
she still want to cook for us,
on that movement i feel i need to do somethings to her.
today i have a good result, cause i can cooking for my family.
last but not least, i hope i can write a good post or English passage to share other,
cause i know my English language haven good enough for my future.

tomorrow, i will visit my secondary school organise carnival about 1 Malaysia.


the meaning of life

just now i have read a post from my friend`s facebook.
the post talk about the speech by the Steve Jobs.
the speech is talk about his life and luck. 
he has said three stories 
first is about his study and his family 
second is about his lost and gain 
third is about his healthy.
first and second i know about it but, 
i do not know about the third one.
after i research in wikipedia i just know more detail about Steve Jobs.
now i really understand about the different between 
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
2 different background have totally different value in their life.
Steve Jobs and Edison(design bulb and battery)
both of them have read a magazine and novel about the life
Edison have buy a lots of book by spend him 1 month salary 
he have read all the books in 1 night, 
he feel that he do not have much of time to waste,
he do not want to be useless people in the world. 
Steve Jobs, he do not spend he stepfather and stepmother money 
to study not interest thing for him. 
after few years, he go to check his body that his have cancer in his body. 
he just know that his healthy is very important.

in front computer of me can not understand about the life important and its value.
i hope that i can understand its value in future. i was feel very happy and excited to meet a friend
that have the same interest thing with me in IT. 
even though, he will like to join in economy for IT, 
but i can imagine in the future we will work to gather. 

the meaning of life for steve jobs

这是史蒂夫。乔布斯(苹果电脑,iphone,safari , Pixar影片的创办者


不妨跟你講,筆者已將這段演說的聲音檔抄入MP3機,有空時播來細聽,回味Steve的成長故事,緊記Steve的教誨。結語的:「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish」 更成為我的人生座右銘。我记得在今年看了他的演讲时有感而发,哭了(我很少哭的)




我在里德學院(Reed College)待了六個月就辦休學了。到我退學前,一共休學了十八個月。那麼,我為什麼休學?(聽眾笑)




當我休學之後,我再也不用上我沒興趣的必修課,把時間拿去聽那些我有興趣的課。這一點也不浪漫。我沒有宿舍,所以我睡在友人家裡的地板上,靠著回收可樂空罐的退費五分錢買吃的,每個星期天晚上得走七哩的路繞過大半個鎮去印度教的Hare Krishna神廟吃頓好料,我喜歡Hare Krishna神廟的好料。就這樣追隨我的好奇與直覺,大部分我所投入過的事務,後來看來都成了無比珍貴的經歷(And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on)。舉個例來說。當時里德學院有著大概是全國最好的書寫教育。校園內的每一張海報上,每個抽屜的標籤上,都是美麗的手寫字。因為我休學了,可以不照正常選課程序來,所以我跑去上書寫課。我學了serif與sanserif字體,學到在不同字母組合間變更字間距,學到活字印刷偉大的地方。書寫的美好、歷史感與藝術感是科學所無法掌握的,我覺得這很迷人。



我再說一次,你無法預先把點點滴滴串連起來;只有在未來回顧時,你才會明白那些點點滴滴是如何串在一起的(you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards)。所以你得相信,眼前你經歷的種種,將來多少會連結在一起。你得信任某個東西,直覺也好,命運也好,生命也好,或者業力。這種作法從來沒讓我失望,我的人生因此變得完全不同。(Jobs停下來喝水)


我很幸運-年輕時就發現自己愛做什麼事。我二十歲時,跟Steve Wozniak在我爸媽的車庫裡開始了蘋果電腦的事業。我們拼命工作,蘋果電腦在十年間從一間車庫裡的兩個小夥子擴展成了一家員工超過四千人、市價二十億美金的公司,在那事件之前一年推出了我們最棒的作品-麥金塔電腦(Macintosh),那時我才剛邁入三十歲,然後我被解僱了。


有幾個月,我不知道要做些什麼。我覺得我令企業界的前輩們失望-我把他們交給我的接力棒弄丟了。我見了創辦HP的David Packard跟創辦Intel的Bob Noyce,跟他們說很抱歉我把事情給搞砸了。我成了公眾眼中失敗的示範,我甚至想要離開矽谷。但是漸漸的,我發現,我還是喜愛那些我做過的事情,在蘋果電腦中經歷的那些事絲毫沒有改變我愛做的事。雖然我被否定了,可是我還是愛做那些事情,所以我決定從頭來過。


接下來五年,我開了一家叫做 NeXT的公司,又開一家叫做Pixar的公司,也跟後來的老婆(Laurene)談起了戀愛。Pixar接著製作了世界上第一部全電腦動畫電影,玩具總動員(Toy Story),現在是世界上最成功的動畫製作公司(聽眾鼓掌大笑)。然後,蘋果電腦買下了NeXT,我回到了蘋果,我們在NeXT發展的技術成了蘋果電腦後來復興的核心部份。我也有了個美妙的家庭。

我很確定,如果當年蘋果電腦沒開除我,就不會發生這些事情。這帖藥很苦口,可是我想蘋果電腦這個病人需要這帖藥。有時候,人生會用磚頭打你的頭。不要喪失信心。我確信我愛我所做的事情,這就是這些年來支持我繼續走下去的唯一理由(I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did)。


你的工作將佔掉你人生的一大部分,唯一真正獲得滿足的方法就是做你相信是偉大的工作,而唯一做偉大工作的方法是愛你所做的事(And the only way to do great work is to love what you do)。



當我十七歲時,我讀到一則格言,好像是「把每一天都當成生命中的最後一天,你就會輕鬆自在。(If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right)」(聽眾笑)這對我影響深遠,在過去33年裡,我每天早上都會照鏡子,自問:「如果今天是此生最後一日,我今天要做些什麼?」每當我連續太多天都得到一個「沒事做」的答案時,我就知道我必須有所改變了。提醒自己快死了,是我在人生中面臨重大決定時,所用過最重要的方法。因為幾乎每件事-所有外界期望、所有的名聲、所有對困窘或失敗的恐懼-在面對死亡時,都消失了,只有最真實重要的東西才會留下(Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important)。提醒自己快死了,是我所知避免掉入畏懼失去的陷阱裡最好的方法。人生不帶來、死不帶去,沒理由不能順心而為。




你們的時間有限,所以不要浪費時間活在別人的生活裡。不要被教條所侷限--盲從教條就是活在別人思考結果裡。不要讓別人的意見淹沒了你內在的心聲。最重要的,擁有追隨自己內心與直覺的勇氣,你的內心與直覺多少已經知道你真正想要成為什麼樣的人(have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become),任何其他事物都是次要的。(聽眾鼓掌)

在我年輕時,有本神奇的雜誌叫做《Whole Earth Catalog》,當年這可是我們的經典讀物。那是一位住在離這不遠的Menlo Park的Stewart Brand發行的,他把雜誌辦得很有詩意。那是1960年代末期,個人電腦跟桌上出版還沒出現,所有內容都是打字機、剪刀跟拍立得相機做出來的。雜誌內容有點像印在紙上的平面Google,在Google出現之前35年就有了:這本雜誌很理想主義,充滿新奇工具與偉大的見解。

Stewart跟他的團隊出版了好幾期的《Whole Earth Catalog》,然後很自然的,最後出了停刊號。當時是1970年代中期,我正是你們現在這個年齡的時候。在停刊號的封底,有張清晨鄉間小路的照片,那種你四處搭便車冒險旅行時會經過的鄉間小路。


求知若飢,虛心若愚(Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish)





my first time

just have my dinner just now.
i have learn somethings before i have the dinner, that is cooking XD
(laugh) cant believe that i will learn how to cook without people and experience
maybe in future i can cook with my own.
all the price of oil are increase i still wats

start from left to right 

preparing for cook 


study and learn

today, my mother tell me go to Seri Kembangan to find the sourses to learn English.
(sigh) sad to say that i becomes very lazy, why i become like this?
i should be work harder, not just sit at here and keep on to do.
nothings to said about me today
just this


working day + worry

today i go to my father restaurant to have work with him.
not feel boring any more cause i feel boring to stay at home
(can not control myself to open computer XD)
and the second reason is to tell the uncle who interest in my study 
today got 2 uncles are interest about my study and my father was telling them.
they was said that the UCTI was very nice and other things.
after i wake up, i was sms with my friends who still studying in secondary school. 
asking her how was her account tuition, 
is she still well ? after i know the situation i hope she can catch up the courses. 
i still told her that she can ask me when she do not understand, 
i will try my best to replay her. 


at the same day, i was know that . 
my father have spend a lot of money.
first is the repair car, his Unser car the back side spring have lost function 
need to spend hundred riggit 
second he need to spend to change the marble at the new house. 
feel worry, to said that my college fee
how can he spend it, 
i scad he can nor overcome the cost. 
even though that i can borrow moeny from PIPTN 
hope it will not change my dream 


visit to UCTI

today is a special day for me cause i visited to my college UCTI.
in the morning i was the first person to prepare well. 
my mother and the smallest brother haven prepare in well.
just need to walk to the bus stop,
 i want to said that we are so lucky to meet my neighbor who want to went out.
so unlucky to said that my pants have been break a big hole just because touch a sharp things.
need to return back to home to change another pants. 
actually i and my mother do not know the actual location. 
after we reach there we know already the UCTI locate at which part of 
TPM (technology park Malaysia)
i have the counselors of UCTI before this. 
this time is the third time to see them.
today, i come to here and register to continue study, 
this time the counselors have a look to my trial exam last year 
she said that i have the qualification to enter, 
and i hand over the money to the counselor and have a look around the UCTI 
 ground floor 

outside of the forum

lab for engineering 

lab of engineering 2 

citizen who study at UCTI, Malaysia

the book store for assignment create by the senior 

system room feel very cool ~

can not believe the smallest CPU near to my eye 



feel excited to study at there 

before i forget i which all my friends who continue study in foundation which good luck and all the best to you all 



start for me is the familiar to me my friends and juniors started their 
school, college, and job.
and me just started to enjoy my holiday......
(sigh) sad to said i want to start my college life if can 
i wake in the morning early 7am as usual every day. 
start to read my favorite book (IT). to except the boring from my life 
as i know got 6friends are start to study their foundation next
Monday 17 of Jan 2011.
i start to learn in proper English language in my holidays. 
i start to read newspaper(the sun)but not any big improvement in my features.


tomorrow i will go to visit my new education place 
UCTI, bukit jalil with my mother, i hope i can study at there 
and they will accepted me to study at there.
most of my friends are studying in
 UTAR, UCSI,TAYLOR, MAHSHA, SEGI College and other. 
hope i can study at there cause this is my dream.


back to school + kai fu lee

in the early morning, i go back to my secondary school,
to discus with teacher about the chinese yoyo. 
after i step in the school i saw a lot of changing in the canteen, 
i can saw the refrigerator and have many stalls at there, 
saw the fresh vegetables show on the stall. 
but i have not chance to have eat at there, except when i take the result SPM .
after i discus with teacher,
 teacher was said never mind cause she understand that me do not learn at all. 
i just know the basic when i attend the Yu Hua culture camp,
 i do not have any practice more after the camp.
after i discus with teacher, (sigh)
i have a big problem, how do i went back home?
should i walk to taming jaya 
or using bus to went back. 
i confirm to use bus went back to my house.
i use metrobus 62 to leissure mall than 
i use rapid kl to taming jaya 
lucky i no need to wait the bus for a long time .


today, i have finish to read a book. 
the book is 《李开复其实没有什么天才》although it is a business book 
but i very like it cause the writer was a scientist of technology
he have become a lecturer before he became a business man. 
he work before at Apple, SGI Windows, Google. 
start from September of 2009 he became a entrepreneurs at China 
many people and company was support him. 
if can i will like to choose there to becomes my work places ^^ 


again + invite from school

(sigh......) again and again i can not control myself to stop to open the computer.
but still fine for me cause i have read a book to improve myself.
PMA(positive mental attitude) it just to introduce about
 a person how to control their mental and attitude in positive 
first : everything can happen 
second : pretend to be happy 
third : heart of thanksgiving 
forth : like to help people 
fifth : learn to smile 
if a person can do well show in above i believe everything will be good .

on 5.30 pm my secondary school teacher is calling me,
 the chairmen of the chinese society are calling me, 
he told about the activity begin by the the club is a carnival on next Saturday. 
he wanted me to attend it to perform the chinese yoyo. 
i feel very stress (sigh)


learn car

today morning until now i do not go any where.
cause do not have any activity or target to do. 
just always read the comic in the internet. 
feel very boring about this kind of live(sigh)  
if can tomorrow i do not want to online and open computer 
now i know the reason i always open the computer 
first listen the music in KUWO 
second to saw my friend status (actually not many)
third is read comic (it have been see before this)
after i search my house i just know my house still have many books that i do not read it before.
... ... now i just remember i told datin last Friday,
i told her that i want to work 
but actually at that movement i want to search the work, 
maybe she want me to become school photography for school activity 
i feel dislike to do this cause many student can be good photography, 
they maybe better than me, so i told and introduction to her 
about our school photography club
hope they will do the work in good status 

in the evening, i follow my father to go mahkota cheras to see our house progress,
on the road, father was asking me about my education 
where i will continue study,
 and i told him all about that, 
actually, this afternoon i have answer 2 calls from UCTI,
 with the same thing that asking will i going their open day this on :
15th and 16th of January 2011 
this coming soon Saturday and Sunday 
i hope my mother will let me go with her. 
at the same time, father also asking me about the car licence, 
how is going on. 
i was very happy and excited 
that i can touch the gear on the road
(just helping my father at passenger place)
hope i can learn well in learning car. 


my friend

just now i have know a good news for my friend that garu chong 
she have receive a letter or a massage from Singapore that she will continue to study at there
and she will register the university on tomorrow. although that we  are least to chat each other or discus somethings, but i would like to say congratulation to her, that she can continue study at over sea......
i and her have a lot of memory ......
hope her will enjoy her life at there
i still have many friends haven to said good bye to them
hope i will said it at here






looking somethings

as the title said i am looking somethings.
today, early in the morning 9.30am i was prepare to went out to cheras batu.11
for transfer money from a bank to another bank. XD
the reason i do this cause i want to take my scholarship from the selangor government.
last year is the last for me to take the scholarship from the government,
 except i continue study in form6, but i think if can i dun want to go form6
i want to go foundation in private college or university,
 don not like to waste 1 year to take degree.

on the travel i have meet 3 people with different geng .
first of them are 2 people in a group,
that they need me to show the road to their their friend in the mobile phone the location of them.
cause they are not live at here, and need friend to reach there to carry them.
both of them are come from selayang(适耕庄) they come here to having their at the factory area at bukit belimbing  and they asking me where have the house that need to rent for them and also room.
another people is a uncle he want to go the factory and give me the address is taman industri selesa jaya
......i do not know where is the places but the sound is too familiar for me.
the evil Indonesia worker lie to the uncle the places is at jasco selatan there.
after i research from internet is not at there and the location is too far from there too.
the factory area just behind the taman taming jaya i feel too sry to the uncle cant help them......
now i know the places next time i will help them as i can ......

after i reach to bank and take out the money the time is 11am,
i think still have time let me go for shopping awhile in jasco selatan XD
after i reach there i try to find the English book .......

arrrhhh...... now i remember that i haven buy the education magazine from popular book shop

first thing that attract me is the new novel publish by the red Dragonfly(红蜻蜓)
 the tittle of the novel is “十二岁半”
i think i will post it in mandarin after this XD
i have find a look on the job after i research in the jasco i can not found any workshop 
that i can do .......never mind this is not the first time that i can not find the work 
than i go to public bank to do somethings and i go home......
and i analysis that i have been went out from house OMG i have use many money at outside :
1 January 2011 : PWTC (education fair)
7 January 2001 : lawyet, sungai wang, time square, mines 
8 January 2011 : KLCC (education fair)
9 January 2011 : having courses for car licence at ampang
10 January 2011 jasco selatan, cheras batu 11


courses again

today I have to heard the courses for the car license
I need to wait my company to carry me to there, OMG 
i need to wait about 1 hour for he to carry me. 
after i in the car i know the reason, i am the last within 4 people.......
i was though that we will go to mahkota cheras there but i was wrong .
we all go to ampang and litsen for the courses. the places and properties are very bad .
the lecturer was talk about the situation of exam for car licence. 
when i went back, i was saw the girl message send to me that she pass the exam fo the undang^2
and asking me when i will go to listen for courses......
i was very sad to heard that cause i have already ......
if can i also want to heard with her cause feel very boring at there ......


education fair (KLCC)+new house

today is my first time to write my blog in English, I have been use mandarin in my blog for 2 years.
Now is the big challenge for me to write the post, today I go to the education fair at KLCC. 
Early in the morning, i went out for my breakfast than prepare to go KLCC. 
my second brother is the big boom in my house, 
mother always call him to join the trip but he always said NO 
dun have any reason just feel boring to join the trip. actually this trip was very helpful for him......
but he dun like this.
 haiz ......
i have go the education fair start from last weak 
today was the second time to go.
And it was the third time to get the evidents......
this time for me to double confirm where should I continue study 
when, i have a browse it the hall there is a call from my 2 different teachers 
which is my tuition teacher when i was study in secondary school.
1 is to inform me the education 
another 1 is asking my status recently.
this time i was trying to asking the places i was focus on :
after i visit all the university and college 
i was decide to continue study in private U 
UCTI in Bukit Jalil by taking the cost computer science
the reason i study at there is very good and have quality from the 3 choices in the above 
UTAR is very good but dun have any detial to support the quality in computer science 
UTM is very good cause it was the government university but as I saw the evidents they provide are use in 
malay i feel dislike how can be the IT courses study in BM ......
UCTI are the best cause they have many awards win in the competition not just in Malaysia 
and also in the world.

after that, on the evening we go to our new house in mahkota cheras. just go there for cleaning the house.
every time going to there is like that. 
but this time father was feel very angry cause my 2 stupid brother go there habing for play 
nothings to said about them 
just this for today 



学校今天刚好有mesyuarat agong 所以要见老师也很难。
拿了东西,我们就走去sungai wang 。

看的眼花缭乱,买了两样东西一是mouse,二是external hard disk
之后就到time square,原本是和他在一起的之后我和他分开一下,因为我要去方便。
还没解决就接到他的电话说,他要去唱K 说真的还真的有点惊讶!
不过,人家要去也没办法,之后就在ts(time square)绕一绕。
就踏kl monorill到kl central 原以为可以看到KTM没想是完全看不到!!!
还好很快就到kl central, 第一次从正门金kl central 感觉上好像在飞机场一样,是内很大
之后就踏 KTM 回serdang 。
到另外一间IT店时,他说他想请full time …………心碎的回家去。





就说了出来,原来他不知道这件事情,还错怪我们的company 说他没有通知这件事。



近日 (1/1/2011-3/1/2011)


新的一年就被老爸叫去做工, 之前一直都不愿意去做,因为有很多事情要做。
我已经有一个工作目标,那就是在mines 原本想在那里做修理电脑工,但他只收销售员。

每一件学员都要3或5 个A(包括A+,A,A-)在这里面也一定要包括英文……

只拿到41/50 差一份就能拿到及格。